Temtem Wiki
Alpha 0.1.4 Version History Alpha 0.1.6
Alpha 0.1.5
Version Details
Type Alpha
Release Date December 13 2018
Notes https://crema.gg/temtem/temtem-0-1-5/

Alpha 0.1.5 was the fifth patch introduced to Temtem.

New Stuff[]

  • Luma Tateru is now available. Happy hunting!
  • Added animations, effects, and audio to the capture Temtem sequence.
  • Added some rewards in Turquesa for players that have completed the Alpha.
  • Stat stages changes in battle now have proper audio.
  • Temtem knock-outs now have proper audio.


  • Temtem sprites are now prettier and have better lighting and shadows.
  • Improved Loading image to remove banding.
  • While creating a new character, the animation won’t reset while choosing different cosmetics.
  • Knocked-out particles on Temtem now will travel to its tamer.
  • Opening the Backpack in a Wild battle will open the Capture bag by default. Opening it on a Tamer battle will open the Medicine bag instead.
  • Tweaked visuals on how Stamina is spent.
  • Added new buttons on Temtem Squad Details to swap the current Temtem without needing to go back.
  • Technique details can now be inspected from the Squad UI.
  • Refined how keys and mouse interact together in the UIs.
  • UI keys can now be clicked.
  • Lots of tiny improvements on several UIs.


  • Improved Briçal de Mar cinematic initial movement to avoid getting stuck. (Report: Investigating – Stuck in the cutscene)
  • Fixed a freeze due to using a Temtem Technique while swapping other Temtem. (Report: Investigating – Match freezing due to a fake move on Tem replacement.)
  • Fixed some cases where other player’s Temtem disappeared.
  • Fixed some cases where Luma particles weren’t shown in battle.
  • Fixed choose target circle not appearing in some cases. (Report: Investigating – Battle target circle bugged)
  • Sea Salt can now be sold. (Report: Investigating – Can’t sell Sea Salt)
  • Fixed the Temdeck machine screen shutting down when checking the details of a Temtem.
  • Fixed enemy tamers getting a wrong battle animation when returning from an evolution scene.
  • Fixed some cases where the following Temtem movement was choppy. (Report: Investigating – “bug” of temtems following)
  • Tweaked how Temtem and players disappear on the water reflections.
  • Windward Fort Belsoto NPC moved so you don’t get stuck when fighting against him. (Report: Investigating – NPC in Windward Tower gets stuck on rocks)
  • Fixed some more cases where the Squad UI broke. (Report: Investigating – Squad switch doesnt work with saipat and then the squad menu freeze)
  • Fixed collisions on Windward Fort base. (Report: Investigating – If you aim outside the cave slightly above the door you enter another dimension.)
  • Fixed some more cases where moving NPCs could get stuck.
  • Waking up a Temtem will now update the UI and remove the status icon.
  • Learning a Technique Courses can now be canceled.
  • Capturing a poisoned wild Temtem could freeze the game. (Report: Investigating – Game flow freezes after captured Temtem dies to poison)
  • Enemy AI didn’t use any techniques with Hold.
  • Fixed some cases where the healing machines animation could get stuck. (Report: Investigating – Healer stuck Mid-Animation)
  • Fixed Shop scroll not working properly.
  • Fixed some cases where using two items in the same turn could lead to bugs. (Report: Investigating – Double using Balms didn’t heal my Temtem at all)
  • Some more typos corrected.
