Alpha 0.1.2 was the second patch introduced to Temtem.
New Stuff[]
- Added a “/unstickme” command. If you find yourself stuck anywhere in the world, use the command and you will be teleported to Aina’s House.
- Added ESC as a new hotkey to open/close menu.
- NPCs are now properly depicted as kids, teenagers or adults.
- Added new hair type to the character creation.
- Letters are now centered while writing your name on Character Creation.
- Character Creation UI now shows “Finish” or “Next” along the space key.
- Removed a bit of extra time on the hit animation. We will improve this further in the future.
- Added a background on perfect SVs.
- NPC Tamers stopping you constantly when you already have fought them should be solved now.
- Battles ending abruptly before they were really finished and causing problems after that.
- Added more safechecks to Max combat cinematic in order to fix the bugs related to this fight.
- Added more safechecks to Lady Lottie combat cinematic.
- Fixed Temtem gender rates. Now you should be able to find female Temtem.
- Blocking dialogue with Pino should be fixed now.
- Lots of typos and spelling mistakes corrected.
- Proper handling on server disconnect and resets.
- Emotes displaying behind water waves should display on top.
- Solved some cases where Temtem won’t heal after sending them to the Temdeck.
- Fixed the desynchronization between the hands and the temcards in Max intro.
- Using the last item in your Backpack now properly updates and remove it from your Backpack.
- Temporium Stores now won’t allow you to buy more than 99x of the same item.
- Fixed Temtem death particles disappearing abruptly.
- Removed rich text on the chat.
- Fixed Interact UI keeping every player as selected while hovering them using a gamepad.
- Fixed some Temtem animations not having their eyes animated (Saku and Loali).
- Interior plants and vegetation won’t move with the wind anymore.
- Fixed music stopping after Max battle.
- 21:9 resolution and higher working properly on the Character Creation.
- Fixed blocked path to the cascade on Indigo Lake.
- Added selling value to the Sea Salt.