Alpha 0.1.12 was the twelfth patch introduced to Temtem.
Fixed other players appearing in battles. (Report: Investigating – Random player character appear on the battle screen during a few seconds)
Improved the navigation mesh on Route02. (Report: Investigating – Route 2 | Between Mountain, little invisible step)
Fixed EXP bars displaying incorrectly. (Report: Investigating – EXP Bar display amount is incorrect)
Fixed some NPC Tamers not stopping you. (Report: Investigating – Alot of npc trainers not attacking me)
Fixed jump animation stuck after surfing. (Report: Investigating – stuck in jumping animation)
Fixed some cases where Temtem could be dropped outside of their areas in the Temdeck. (Report: Investigating – PC errors when dragging and changing boxes at the same time.)
Fixed some cases where challenging other players won’t be available.
Fixed a battle crash if there was three KOs at the same time (using Chain Lighting).
Fixed some cases where the battle could get stuck mixing Strangle or Bamboozle and other techniques with hold.